Maison Surrenne Cognac Surrene VSOP 80 Proof
Maison Surrenne Cognac Surrene VSOP 80 Proof
Petite Champagne/Fin Bois VSOP, the Fin Bois from the family’s vineyards near the chateau at Triac. This Cognac collaboration between Germain-Robin and Cognac’s largest remaining family-owned producer. Surrenne’s eight aging cellars hold extensive stocks of aged distillates that have been maintained pure and unblended. There are four distilleries, including the ancient installation in the chateau of Triac. The home distillery is on the Quai de l’Ile Madame on the banks of the Charente river in Jarnac.
Great cognac reflects the land and climate from which its grapes were taken. The bottlings come from specific regions, and we further emphasize their individuality by using cognacs from a particular vintage, or a single distillery, or even an individual cask. Many of these bottlings are unblended, and the rareties are unfiltered