Borroso Espadin Mezcal Santiago Matatlan [ coming soon]
Borroso Espadin Mezcal Santiago Matatlan [ coming soon]
Javier Mateo. Javier’s father (Javier Mateo Sr.) built the Palenque in Santago Matatlán in 1979. Together, the father and son team maintained a small production of Mezcal with their family until 1994, when Mexico hit a severe economic recession. In search of economic opportunity, Mateo Jr. made his way to LA, working in restaurants as a bartender until 2010, when he returned to Oaxaca upon learning his father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. It was around then that Borroso got in touch with the Mateos, and they started their partnership in making and distributing Mezcal. Javier and his brother Jamie also make a “recoltant” Mezcal bottling called Los Javis.